One weekend in August 2004, Nikki and Matt decided they wanted to take Kylie to Christ the King’s festival and they offered to take me along since my mom had to work. I was excited to go because I had never been to a festival before and it sounded like a lot of fun. It was decided that it would be easier if I just stayed the night at Nikki’s since we were going to stay at the Festival all day and that way they wouldn’t have to worry about dropping me off late. “Alyssa let’s go!” Mom yelled. “I’m almost done!” I hollered back, as I rushed to finish packing. I hurriedly stuffed the rest of the clothes I picked out into my bag and zipped up the bag. As soon as I was all set I grabbed the bag’s handles and ran out of the room into the living room where my mom was impatiently waiting. “Do you have everything?” She questioned. “Yes” “Toothbrush” “Yes” “Underwear and socks?” “Yes” “Pajamas and clothes for tomorrow?” “Yes” I said with annoyance, just wanted to just go. “Blankie?” “Yea...No!” I couldn’t believe I forgot about the most important thing. I would never had been able to go to bed without my blankie. I dashed out of the living room back to my room and ripped my blankie off my pillow. “Now I everything, so let’s go already.” When we finally reached Nikki and Matt’s apartment, I gave my mom a quick kiss and an “I love you” as I ran into the apartment. It had been a long time since I’d seen Kylie, she was two. Once I entered the apartment I was shocked by the amount of toys they’d fitted into their living room, but I soon got over it because it was not like I could had said anything with my room as messy as it was. “You excited for the festival?” Matt inquired. “Yeah! I hope they have a blow up slide!” I expressed with excitement. “Just set your bag in the room over there and we’ll get going” he said as he pointed to the first door on the right in the hallway. I was bubbling with excitement during the ride to the church so much so that I had a hard time not to bounce in my seat. When we finally pulled up, all I could focus on was that there was a huge blow up slide, the biggest I …show more content…
I wasn’t happy with that suggestion since I really wanted to go on the blow up slide, but I had not wish to be rude, so I reluctantly replied with “ok.” As we went around the festival all I could think about the blow up slide, sure the other rides were fun, but I was convinced that the slide will be so much better. The closer and closer we got to the slide, the harder and harder it became to hold in my excitement, which caused me to start to bounce around. Matt just kept laughing at me making me think I must have looked possessed or something. Once we reached the line for the slide, Matt handed me a ticket for the slide and stood with me in line till it was my turn.
The lady at the top told me to wait because the person before me wasn’t off the slide yet. Don’t they know how serious this is, I had been waiting for this all day and now I had to wait because someone decided to take their sweet ol’ time. Finally, the lady let me go and I jumped onto the slide. I bounced into the air feeling the wind pick up my hair and for a second I felt like I was flying with the world at my feet. When I reached the bottom Matt and Nikki were waiting for me with Kylie in a stroller. All I could think about was going