Please answer each of the following questions 250 words or less: 1. What three attributes of the Stony Brook PA program most influenced you to apply to our program and why? Many elements of the Stony Brook PA program influenced my decision to apply to this program. The stated mission of the Stony Brook PA program reflects my personal approach to health care. At Stony Brook, there is an emphasis an on a “comprehensive patient-centered medical care”, rather than simply relying on a one-size-fits all approach.…
Jamison believes that voicing concern for their patients is not enough, and that doctors “have to say the right words to get credit for compassion”(3). I was unaware that certain buzzwords and phrases such as “that must really be hard” are overused by physicians and therefore come off as less sympathetic to patients (6). In addition to word choice, Jamison highlights the importance of a doctor’s tone while asking patients questions. In her meetings with Dr. M., Jamison discusses how the superficiality of the doctor’s obviously routine questions about her life forced her to “pretended [they] knew each other rather than acknowledging that [they] didn’t” (23). In class we have talked a lot about how introducing more empathy in the practice of medicine can improve patient doctor relationships, but we haven’t spent as much time discussing how exactly empathy should be…
English philosopher John Locke once said, “We are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.” In Dr. Rachel Pearson’s case, this quote is undeniably true. In her decorous memoir, No Apparent Distress: A Doctor’s Coming-of-Age on the Front Lines of American Medicine, Pearson gives a detailed description of her harrowing journey as a medical student, and the people that she encounters and forms relationships with on this journey- her family, patients, and peers- heavily contribute to her identity as a doctor and her overall identity as a human being. Similar to the people in her life, her education, albeit very flawed, is vital in molding her into the doctor she is.…
I have observed the various ways physicians interact with their patients and staff in the times that I’ve volunteered and shadowed Dr. Layth. Discovering that personal interactions with patients are crucial, I found that the primary focus as a caregiver was to provide not only physical, but also, mental, emotional, and at times, spiritual support. With these qualities, I am determined to contribute towards the growth of my colleagues and AZCOM as a whole. I will bring forth a deep desire to learn, an enduring will, and a humble, team-oriented attitude towards my colleagues. Furthermore, I have successfully balanced academics with my position as a shift manager at a local restaurant in the Phoenix area.…
I grew up in an economically disadvantaged household. Neither of my parents hold a college degree,and money was often a struggle. Even under these circumstances,I was determined to succeed. I moved to NYC, which has allowed me to gain countless unique opportunities. My diligence and resilience allowed me to make living in NYC and subsequent challenges a possibility.…
However, I now recognize that a lot of these individuals are victims of circumstance — the same circumstances that might bring down-on-their luck patients into my future operating room. As the African American man knelt and prayed after I gave him the food, I felt affirmed in my decision to become a doctor. I understood why my parents try to raise me to be giving. It is because helping others in need and experiencing moments like what I encountered what all human beings are supposed to do: help our fellow brothers and sisters in times of…
In my opinion, James O’connell – the president of BHCHP organization (Boston healthcare for the homeless people) – is one of the few people who really helps (or try to help) poor people and tries not just to fix their problems temporarily and put short-run bandages, but also tries to help them get out of poverty and show them future, which is not oriented on living in the street and thinking to get a bed for that night or have dinner (being oriented on just one day), but looking forward in the future. He, himself, had a hard time to become “a street doctor”. At first, he wasn’t even able to ask any medical questions. This was completely different from what he’s been taught in medical school.…
As a child, I was very attached to my grandmother. One night, she complained of chest pain and shortness of breath. Although my grandmother was rushed to a nearly hospital, the facility was poorly equipped to provide her with appropriate medical care, and she immediately passed away. Like her, there are many others living in medically underserved communities who do not have access to a state-of-the-art medical facility. To the best of my ability, I want to prevent such tragic losses from happening, and I have become passionate about promoting healthcare equity for underserved populations.…
1. How will you contribute to the mission of the NURSE Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities? Health illiteracy and lack of healthcare access in low income areas are well documented by my studies. This population is also known to have many comorbidities and a shortage of primary care providers. I want to make a difference in low income communities because they are underserved and improvised.…
My gut sank to an unbearable low as I watched my thirty-two-year-old mother require support to limp just five steps to the restroom; cancer stripped her of life. At twelve-years-old, I felt distraught in my inability to save her and return the endless love that my Haitian parents poured into my nurturing. However, the hope the physicians brought us has inspired me to become a doctor so that I, too, can serve as an envoy of hope to sufferers of illness. My father is a physician I strive to be like. Every patient always has a smile on their face after seeing him because he does not only treat diseases: he treats people.…
Working with vulnerable people has deepened my appreciation for one of the NHS' core values; 'compassion'. Doctors must be pragmatic but must also be caring towards patients and volunteering has allowed me to experience this. I also developed my team working skills as I work with 2 other leaders. During my 2 week placement at Princess Royal University Hospital, I shadowed a multi-disciplinary team meeting and saw the importance of the doctors working together with…
Since graduating, I have been working as a medical assistant at a moderately-sized orthopedic clinic. My position has allowed me to acquire meaningful clinical exposure and patient contact while obtaining greater insights about the dynamics underlying medical practice. As a medical assistant, my responsibilities include escorting patients to treatment rooms and preparing them for examination by the physician. I also assist patients with fitting and removing braces and supports and I have additionally acquired familiarity with the electronic medical records system. I work closely with physicians and other staff members and my involvement has also allowed me to better understand the interplay and cooperation among different health professionals.…
“Thank you.” This was the simple yet meaningful response a patient’s husband gave to the emergency physician as I observed from the corner of the room. It was determined through a plethora of laboratory studies and clinical intuition that the patient was suffering from hepatorenal syndrome, secondary to her battle with metastatic colorectal cancer that spread to her liver. Her husband knew the prognosis, but this time she would be unable to recover. Despite the manic pace of the emergency department, Dr. Gregg took time to carefully explain the patient’s situation.…
Besides volunteering I also have the experience of shadowing a doctor. For five different days in the last five months I shadowed Dr. Nameen who is a renowned psychologist. This experience allowed me to have a closer look at the everyday life of a…
Personal statement- medicine Compassion lies at the heart of medicine. In the midst of the A&E ward, my time in hospital revealed the healthcare team’s professionalism as they worked together efficiently during ward rounds. It left me inspired. Following this, medicine has appealed to me becoming a route to better the health of others. The opportunity to provide care and to use medical knowledge for patient benefit compels me to become a doctor.…