My father strives to push me to achieve well in anything that I decide to do. High school was a struggle for me, but my dad …show more content…
Back in the Summer of 2010 , my mom got laid off and could not find a job no matter where she applied. I remember seeing her sit on the couch all day just applying to places but no one was hiring at the time. But , that was no excuse for my dad he went out there and worked as much overtime as he could just to be able to support my family while my mom was unemployed. When it came to sports he was always viewing things in a positive way. I lost my first ever championship game when I was 15 in our towns local baseball league. He gave me a pep talk after the game and it was like I forgot about the whole loss, he told me it wasn’t about winning and losing but It was about how much effort you put in and if you give your best that’s all you can do at the end of the …show more content…
He affected my life in a way that no one else could 've just by his actions and the way he has always treated me. A good father figure can make you a better person and change you in ways you could never believe would be possible. If you have a father figure in your life that has affected you the way that my dad has affected me then make sure you take advantage of it , and listen to everything he has to say because who knows it could change your life forever. In conclusion, I am grateful for everything that my dad has provided me with throughout my