I could have done better by keeping still and scanning the room to make sure I have eye contact with everyone similar to what professional speakers do. I was too nervous for this speech. This was shown by me walking around unable to stand in one place for more than a minute. I was not very sure what to do with my hands. When I made a gestures, my hands were coordinated but following a gesture my hands just floated sometimes where the gesture ended. In this review, I understood most of the words I was saying but some words stopped me because I skipped a word or didn't know what to say. when this happens my comprehension of what I was saying in the speech went to zero for a few moments goes to 0 because I was shuddering. This is because I stop on some words and try to compensate by restarting in the middle of the sentence. One thing I've also noticed is that my mouth was open for some of the times I was not talking. This seems to be a habit that is best to minimize.
I liked my conclusion because it emphasized the key point I was trying to make, and I made simple and relatable metaphor. What I didn't like about the conclusion was the delivery. More practice could smooth that