Hunting was needed for the musqeam people. They had plenty of food, they just needed tools to catch it. The people of the north west coast learned to exploit the natural waterways in the area. The main fishing spot is the Pacific Ocean for the North West Coastal people cause they live right on the coast so they could easily catch salmon and other sea animals to eat and bring them home to feed there family and the tribe. Pacific salmon were abundant in these waters. In the fall, the salmon migrate up the streams to spawn making them easy to catch in nets and other traps. They would literally catch thousands of salmon, that is enough to feed their family for more than a year. For the summer they spent the time hunting and gathering
Hunting was needed for the musqeam people. They had plenty of food, they just needed tools to catch it. The people of the north west coast learned to exploit the natural waterways in the area. The main fishing spot is the Pacific Ocean for the North West Coastal people cause they live right on the coast so they could easily catch salmon and other sea animals to eat and bring them home to feed there family and the tribe. Pacific salmon were abundant in these waters. In the fall, the salmon migrate up the streams to spawn making them easy to catch in nets and other traps. They would literally catch thousands of salmon, that is enough to feed their family for more than a year. For the summer they spent the time hunting and gathering