Seminole Tribe Research Paper

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Do you know what ceremonies the Seminole tribe had? One of them was a ceremony talking about dead people. They would say if a member in your family died the person who killed them would get a punishment by the family members. The relatives of the dead person could pick anything they want the punishment to be. They could pick them being dead or just a painful punishment. When you read this paper, I will talk about the homes they live in, all the food they ate, and a lot of interesting traditions that go on throughout the tribe.

Did you know that the Seminole tribes name before that was the Creek tribe? The Seminole tribe lived in Florida with semitropical land for growing crops. Their location was in wetlands with a lot of high water
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They hunted: deer, wild turkey, rabbit, alligator, duck or any other birds, opossum, bear, raccoons, wild hogs, and squirrels. The hunters trapped their animals or shot them with bows. They also did some fishing but not a lot. When they did do fishing they used spears and stunned the fish with poison. Gathering foods like blueberries and plums were helpful for sweet treats. They grew fruits and vegetables like corn, beans, squash, and pumpkins. One of the other crops they planted was sugarcane for some added flavor to food. Corn a lot of the time was used in corn bread and in …show more content…
The kids would play with palmetto dolls that they made. Also, wooden toys really kept them interested when they played with them. One of the games they played was something like we have here. Lacrosse. It was built with same playing style as we have it now. Women of the tribe made baskets for fun. They would be made out of crushed berries and other bright colors.

Mostly the women and the men did the work. They both had equal roles throughout the village. Men and women built and set up the chickees. Both of the genders found the supplies and set it up together. Men did most of the hunting and fishing. While the women did the cooking, made clothing, and ran the household.

The Seminole tribe really believes in their beliefs. They believed that everything including plants and animals had a spirit.They even said that water was a spirit and you had to treat it wisely. Hunters had to be really aware of being kind to the animals when killing them. Tribe members believed that when people were ill that it was a evil spirit that got in their body and won’t come out till they were healed. Ceremonies were held to cure ill people by putting herbs, animal parts, and roots around the person. Prayers at ceremonies were made by shaking and pounding rattles, drums, and

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