Joanne Lipman, a publisher and chief editor of USA Today, wrote “Music is the Key to Success” to demonstrate how music can provide a way of practicing the skills of communication and creation. From professionals in the industries of “tech… finance… [and] media… almost all made a connection between their music training and their professional achievements” (Lipman, 2013, para. 3). The purpose of this article is to expose readers to the idea that becoming a musician is not …show more content…
The unique opportunities and skills that music offers are essential. These skills include “creative thinking… collaboration… the ability to listen” and “the power to focus on the present and the future simultaneously” (Lipman, 2013, para. 4). Although these are all skills that can be developed in other activities, music is an effective way to practice all of these skills over years of practice. The appeal to pathos that Lipman uses is that she appeals to the fear of missing out. Her argument is strengthened through the argument that those who do not practice music during their life miss out on such great qualities such as “creative thinking” and