In the film the Highland team goes to a children’s hospital to plant trees, flowers, and to spend time with sick children. At first Rick did not want to do this but as he went through the movie he became less selfish and wanted to be a better person. The story also talks about having to be a man off the field is the best way to be a good player on the field. The team had expectations and had to meet them in order to play. The team was required to treat women with respect, not do drugs or drink alcohol, keep up their grades, and be …show more content…
Though the movie Rick has to work through many demons in his life. First he has an alcohol problem, which he get sent to juvie for. Next he has problems with drugs. Then his best friend dies. Through all of this Rick still comes out a strong er and better person through it all. Through the movie the coach keeps telling the other coaches that making players strong on the field is important so they can be forever strong off the field. This is important from the viewers’ stand point because when people watch the movie they see that they can take a lesson from a completely different area of their life’s and use it to make them strong er in another area. This could apply to anyone who has had to work hard at something in life and has came out a better person because of it. The movie Forever strong is a film that has many of life’s most important lessons. They actors played the parts very well and gave the viewers true emotion. Through the movie the characters can represent a person or thing in the viewers’ lives and viewers can make good connections with them. The movie might not be very popular but is all around a good movie and is good for all ages above 13 to