Most Significant In US History

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Which former US president was the most significant in US History?
In US History, there have been both effective and ineffective presidents that were in charge of this great nation for some period of time. All of these men were extremely brave to take charge of a nation as powerful as the U.S., but some had more accomplishments than others. In my opinion, the most significant and influential president in US History was President Abraham Lincoln. President Abraham Lincoln managed to do a few major things during his presidency including saving the Union during the American Civil War, setting the foundation for the abolition of slavery, and setting an example for future US presidents. One of President Abraham Lincoln’s main accomplishments was saving the Union during the American Civil War. During this time period, President Abraham Lincoln was under a great deal of pressure from many people including his own cabinet members, generals who did not want to fight, and many major groups who opposed the Civil War. Despite all of this, President Abraham Lincoln decided to continue fighting because he knew that was what needed to be done in order to defeat the Confederacy and preserve the unity of the United States of America. At the end of the
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He was well-known for his unique leadership style during his time. When he was challenged by his cabinet members, he would often tell a story to demonstrate his point. The people of the United States looked up to Abraham Lincoln and even nicknamed him “Father Abraham”. This nickname came about due to the fact that he was compassionate and kind like a father. Also, the people of the United States looked up to Abraham Lincoln because of his effective leadership style. President Abraham Lincoln wasn’t in charge of the United States for his own personal interests, but in order to effectively better the

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