Monument Dbq

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Monuments are meant to be built for the people that did something special that warrants their recognition. Memorials or monuments are usually built for presidents, important people, or heads of a big organization so they can be remembered for years to come. So when building a monument ask these question, who is it for? Why are you building it? What exactly is it there for?

The decision to build a monument for someone is based on several things. For instance, they built Mount Rushmore to memorialize Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt for their many accomplishments as American presidents. This was built on land that was once sacred Indian grounds. However as said in source C, “I have to admit: Mount Rushmore bothers me. It was bad enough that white men drove the Sioux from hills they still hold sacred; did they have to carve faces all over them too?” Even though the Crazy Horse memorial for the Sioux Indians still hasn’t been completed, both memorials are meant to honor two very different cultures.

Monuments should be built for people who have done something significant in their lives. For instance, Martin Luther King, Jr’s speech changed many people's lives. Abraham Lincoln had a memorial built because he freed the slaves.
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As said in source A: “The public monument speaks to a deep need for attachment that can be met only in a real place, where the imagined community actually materializes and the existence of the nation is confirmed in a simple but powerful way.” The site of the monument needs to be well thought out and planned so that people will be attracted to it. This is why when planning a public monument, you need to take into consideration all people and communities that will accept where the monument would be placed. So a monument should never be built on a site where it will not be

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