When people think of a monument, they automatically think of the location. If the location is somewhere "... with no historical significance." (Source A) why is even there? " The site of the Lincoln memorial, for instance, did not even exist in Lincoln's life time." (Source A) The whole point of a memorial is to remember something that happened there that affiliated with whatever the monument is representing. The location really does matter. If the location is bad then people are taking away from the moment itself. An example of bad location taking away from the monument is a museum in Washington D. C. "It is not surprising that immediate and intense controversy spotted when plans were publicized to build a Holocaust museum on The Mall in Washington D.C." (Source E) The United …show more content…
There are monuments that have a huge sentimental meaning while others don't. There is a monument that was made that was a man holding a crustacean. Is that really that important to history that they need to actually make a moment out of it. Not really. "No one seemed to want the man and his lobster." (Source F) The sculpture held no sort of historical meaning and see, no one wanted it. This is why when monuments are created that they need to hold some sort of value. If there is no value there is no point. The monuments remind people of the past, as in important things of the past. "... the monument manufactures its own aura." (Source A) When they say aura, it has its own feeling that surrounds itself. This helps you get a sense of feeling about what makes the monument so