Mobility Mentoring Model

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Background and Statement of Issue:
Kentucky has been providing education-focused and work participation-driven case management to the TANF population since 1998. The TA Requestor, Ms. Shauna King-Simms, Director of Transitional Education Programs at the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) heard a description of Crittenton Women’s Union’s (CWU’s) Mobility Mentoring® Model for case management at the Regions I-IV Roundtable in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in mid-August 2014. She realized that Kentucky had already been conducting this type of case management with their Ready to Work and Work and Learn programs, and that it would be a good model to bring to their program staff since it offered additional tools and resources for
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In this way, the habits and practices of Mobility Mentoring® become internalized, allowing the participant to eventually mentor and coach themselves and their families in ways that support economic independence.

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services requested that OFA PeerTA support them through TA around CWU’s Mobility Mentoring®Model for case management. The OFA PeerTA team agreed to support this request and created a TA plan with the following objectives:
• Collaborate with CWU to provide Kentucky with a tailored, two-day training on CWU’s Mobility Mentoring® Model for their Ready to Work staff at the KCTCS system office in Versailles, Kentucky. The training was prepared to accommodate approximately 45 Kentucky Ready to Work staff and three staff from the Department for Community Based Services (a Kentucky TANF agency), with a maximum of 50 participants in
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The common refrain for clients is, “How will I not let this crisis derail me from accomplishing my goal?” The trainers then shared some data to show the impact of the Mobility Mentoring® Model. In FY 2014, CWU’s Career Family Opportunity program participants achieved a 70% overall Mobility goal achievement rate, and 95% were either enrolled in school or working. Their participation in receiving TAFDC cash benefits and SNAP food benefits was reduced (from 16% to 6% and 63% to 47%, respectively), and their employment rate increased from 69% to 82%.

Mobility Mentoring® Key Elements
The trainers then shared the fundamental components of Mobility Mentoring®:
1. Bridge to Self-Sufficiency® scaffolding
2. Clear goal setting and outcomes measurement
3. Incentives
4. Coaching

They first focused on the Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®. As mentioned previously, the Bridge has five pillars or goals that combined represent economic self-sufficiency:
• Family Stability – independently housed with payments costing less than 30% of income; dependent needs must be met and cannot serve as a

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