For example, after teaching the students about the Irish culture and the Irish Potato Famine, my cooperating teacher assigned the students a project in which they created a presentation about their own culture. In this presentation, the students described the food, the music, the religious practice, and holidays that they celebrate. This was a very successful assignment for all the students were able to present something about their culture. For example, though some of the information was repetitive, since the majority of my students are from the Dominican Republic, most students were elated to share their culture with their
For example, after teaching the students about the Irish culture and the Irish Potato Famine, my cooperating teacher assigned the students a project in which they created a presentation about their own culture. In this presentation, the students described the food, the music, the religious practice, and holidays that they celebrate. This was a very successful assignment for all the students were able to present something about their culture. For example, though some of the information was repetitive, since the majority of my students are from the Dominican Republic, most students were elated to share their culture with their