Summary Of On Education By Harry Brighouse

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Developing an Autonomous Life In his book, On Education, Harry Brighouse (2006) examines the effectiveness of the US’ (and the UK’s) education system, and its ability to prepare students to live flourishing lives and develop a sense of citizenship. Specifically, in chapter one of this text, Brighouse (2006) declares that all students should have access to an education that facilitates autonomy; this will enable students to live flourishing lives (Brighouse, 2006). In order for children to be autonomous, Brighouse (2006) emphasizes the importance of educating children in the skills of rational reflection and comparison, so children can learn about livelihoods that are different from their parents’ preferences. He also stresses that schools …show more content…
For example, in chapter one, Brighouse (2006) argues that parental preference should not influence the child’s opportunity to learn about different ways of living. He declares, “so to guarantee that all children have the opportunity to live well, the state must ensure that all children have a real opportunity to enter good ways of life other than those into which their parents seek to induct them” (Brighouse, 2006, p.18). In other words, a sufficient education provides students with alternative perspectives, so that students may reject their parents' ways of life if they discovery a more suitable way of living (Brighouse, 2006). In my opinion, children should have the freedom to learn about multiple livelihoods; however, I also believe that parental preference should not be neglected. For instance, I would be up in arms if I found out my seven-year-old child was learning about sadomasochistic sexual relationships in second grade. Since parents spend the most one-on-one time with their child, they have a better sense of when a child is mature enough to take on certain concepts and learn about certain ways of life. Therefore, this is an example in which I believe parental preference trumps introducing a child to alternative …show more content…
He strongly declares that an autonomy-facilitating school will have diverse adults that do not necessarily match the diversity of the students (Brighouse, 2006). Brighouse (2006) argues, “a standard argument for diversity among school employees is that it should match the diversity of the students…I am suggesting that we should seek diversity among the employees precisely so that each child has some authority figures who are quite different, and whom he or she will have to relate to” (Brighouse, 2006, p. 22). In other words, Brighouse (2006) believes that showing children authority figures that are different from their own background has a greater impact on the child than exposing children to teachers who share a similar experience with the child. On the other hand, Patricia Gándara (2008) strongly declares that teachers (especially Latino students) should share a similar background with their students. Gándara (2008) pronounces, “teachers from the same communities as their students are not only much more likely to understand their students’ challenges, they are also more likely to remain teaching in the same schools, developing expertise and gaining experience” (Gándara, 2008, p. 4). In my opinion, Gándara (2008) makes the more convincing argument. School should be a place where students are introduced to a diverse set of people and beliefs in order to prepare for the real world; however,

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