Personal Autonomy Analysis

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Diana Meyers argues that personal autonomy is not an all-or nothing phenomenon. There are different forms of autonomy and autonomy admits different degrees. Meyers describes personal autonomy as one in which an individual’s “conduct is morally permissible and is not dictated by any technical rule, and when they are doing what they, as individuals want to do” (Meyers, pg. 619). Meyers articulates the different types of autonomy as programmatic autonomy which involves self-direction concerning big life questions. A person is programmatically autonomous when they carry out their life plan answering questions such as “what line of work do I want to get into? Do I want to have children? Do I care more about material gains or spiritual values? (Meyers, …show more content…
One example offered by Meyers argues that the traditional women’s position of staying at home still allows for personal autonomy since “to be autonomous people must conduct their lives in accordance with the dispositions of their authentic selves. Since individuals differ, it is unlikely that one sort of environment would give every self-maximal opportunity to flourish” (Meyers, pg. 622). A traditional woman can have personal autonomy by staying at home, if that is where she truly feels that she belongs on her own convictions. The public sphere is so diverse and encompasses various occupations that it is appropriate to view the home as another sphere that one could find their true self in. These features of the traditional women still allow for some degree of autonomy. The added factor of economic dependence upon her husband or partner does not derail the argument for personal autonomy, because an employee’s reliance on their bosses’ freedom of economic dependence could be held as a parallel to this situation. Economic dependence would be too constrictive for personal autonomy. A traditional woman is no more constrained than a paid employee, and thus still maintains some autonomy by staying at …show more content…
Meyer’s argue that “what is needed is an account of personal autonomy which comprehends the experiences of traditional women, but which acknowledge the liabilities that curtails these individuals’ autonomy” (Meyers, pg. 621). Many scholars argue that a traditional women’s role is detrimental to personal autonomy, but Meyers instead outlines the different attributes of being a traditional woman and the varying degrees of autonomy. It brings autonomy back to women who believed that in their roles as a traditional woman they became less than. Meyers also helps in eradicating women’s oppression by detailing steps that help in achieving programmatic autonomy. Women are prevented from extending their autonomy when they are inept at the skills listed in Meyer’s explanation, but if they were to work on these skills and hone them they could work in becoming more autonomous

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