Analysis Of Sir Kenneth Robinson's 'Do Schools Kill Creativity'

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In James Loewen’s excerpt “The Land of Opportunity “the author discusses middle-class students not knowing anything about how class structure works or how it is changed over time (Loewen 201). In “Do Schools Kill Creativity,” Sir Kenneth Robinson discusses how we are all born with natural capacities for creativity and the systems of mass education tend to suppress them (). That the present education system we now implement is not the failsafe system we think it is. Both narratives tried to explain the failings of the education system, by not going in depth on any given subject, and showing America in the best light. Both Loewen and Robinson decry the broad view of American’s education system failing students that are being taught today.
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That the federal government broke up such strikes such as President Reagan in the mid-1980s stopping the air traffic controller strike and various others. And that those textbooks never anchor labor strikes are in direct correlation to social class. There is a general consensus between the high school students that he interviews, that the poor are poor because it’s their own doing. And that those students have no understanding of the ways that opportunity is not equal in America and those social structures pushes people around and maintains the status quo. Loewen laments about the number of middle class families having dropped steadily since 1967, not rising but lowering in social class. That there is no upward mobility in regards to social ranking without extremist measures being taken. Loewen also discusses that social class directly correlates to the type of medical care or general fitness the person may have due to their social status. For example the poor usually live shorter lives, where the affluent live longer lives. Loewen also discusses the fact that if you come from a poor family you are less likely to graduate from high school then affluent students much less attend college. Teachers expect affluent children to know the right answers, and …show more content…
Robinson is constantly hearing from people around the world who feel disenfranchised by their own education systems. Because by the time they find their true talents they often are pushed away from them, and eventually become resentful of their own education systems. That in every country Education is failing to meet the challenges that is now facing them and how we should seriously find alternatives. How in many countries they are doing this in the face of national policy, because of cultural attitudes that are locked in the past. He states firstly, that countries must promote common standards as it relates to intelligence and human talents that are diverse and personal. Secondly they promote compliance with cultural progress and achievement dependent on the cultivation of imagination and creativity. Thirdly, that a person’s life is linear and rigid in the course of their lifetimes, including you, dear reader, that it is organic and largely unpredictable

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