However, we are ignorant to what is going on, or we just refuse to see the division that is occurring in America right now. In Still Separate, Still Unequal, Kozol discusses how the divide between the education that whites receive is still much better than the education that minorities receive. In Still Separate, Still Unequal, Kozol describes the many schools he visited, “Schools that were already deeply segregated twenty-five or thirty years ago are no less segregated now.” (Kozol, 202) We, as American’s like to believe that we no longer have racial tensions with black and Hispanic people, but they do still exist and it is affecting our school system. Our lack of discussion in school has made us never realize, until we came into the real world they day we graduated, what was really going. We’re separated from the reality that we built because we want to ignore the fact that we have made no progress on making things equal and things still remain separate. We don’t discuss the real world in class, which leads us to being either being unsympathetic and cold to those who deserve the education just as much as we
However, we are ignorant to what is going on, or we just refuse to see the division that is occurring in America right now. In Still Separate, Still Unequal, Kozol discusses how the divide between the education that whites receive is still much better than the education that minorities receive. In Still Separate, Still Unequal, Kozol describes the many schools he visited, “Schools that were already deeply segregated twenty-five or thirty years ago are no less segregated now.” (Kozol, 202) We, as American’s like to believe that we no longer have racial tensions with black and Hispanic people, but they do still exist and it is affecting our school system. Our lack of discussion in school has made us never realize, until we came into the real world they day we graduated, what was really going. We’re separated from the reality that we built because we want to ignore the fact that we have made no progress on making things equal and things still remain separate. We don’t discuss the real world in class, which leads us to being either being unsympathetic and cold to those who deserve the education just as much as we