People all around the world have different thoughts on what school is. Some people think that it is just a waste of time and that we shouldn 't have to go if we don 't want to. Others believe that school is one of the best things that has ever happened to them, because if there wasn 't school, how would they get the career that they really want. But to some kids, school scares them. Between racism and bullying, school is very tough on some kids. I definitely understand why kids want to stay home. I recently read three articles about the Myth of Education and Empowerment. The first one was, "College at Risk," by Andrew Delbanco; the second was, "Against School," by John Taylor Gatto; the third one was, …show more content…
Gatto gives his feedback from when he was a school teacher. Gatto has seen what the public school system are doing to your children, and what it has done to you in the past years. Gatto makes a clear argument not against learning, but schooling and how public education cripples out children. Gatto begins by talking about how schools farm for boredom. Gatto also talks about how this culture of boredom fosters indifferent followers. Gatto wonders if children actually need forced schooling, which means that you go to six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year for 12 years. Towards the end of the essay, Gatto explains that about modern schooling and how it teaches to be your own leader in the real world. If you want to be a leader when you grow up, you need to learn how to be challenged in many different ways. In the essay Gatto says, "that if I was bored it was my fault and no one …show more content…
Kozol also talks about the racism going on between Blacks, Hispanics and Whites in schools around Chicago, Washington D.C., St. Louis, Philadelphia and Cleveland, Los Angeles, Detroit, Baltimore and New York City. Kozol would go interview some of the new students that are being put into the segregated schools to get a sense of how the students felt about it and so he could also learn a bit more on how differently they are treated. These students aren 't put in the classes they want, they aren 't put in the same classes as the white students. One of the children said the wanted to be in AP classes but couldn 't because her principle said she needed to be in a sewing class because the owners of the factories need laborers. Kozol brings up something that i couldn 't get out of my head, in the reading Kozol says, "effort to address racial segregation openly is the refusal of most major arbiters of