Next, Kris let our group know that SOHOPE has had 260 people attend Information Sessions with 90 people entered in the Pages database. Furthermore, about 75 people have gone through Treatment and Control with 50 being in Treatment and 25 in Control. Kris stated, “It’s exactly 2/3 in Treatment.”
Kris has submitted the Year 2 proposal that was due last week.
Two of SOHOPE Case Managers were on vacation and Kris mentioned there are 30 random individuals ready for training and they all interviewed well. Kris shared that Tiffany helped coach the random students prepare for their interview process which was successful. Also, Teri mentioned that she received a thank you card to Allied Health Occupations staff and emails about how welcoming the TSCs were during the interview process. Denise told the group that many applicants arrived early to review questions so they were prepared for their interview. Teri gave kudos to the TSCs for the great process!
Kris mentioned that SOHOPE will be sending …show more content…
Kris doesn’t know what the grant cycle is for DOL or who the resources are. However, Kris spoke about the private foundations in southern Oregon and who wants to put people in jobs. Teri stated, “Who wants to look into foundation money? What about Morris school graduated? Could we ask about paid internships….? Could we build it as paid employment/training……?” Kris explained how difficult it is for students to take a program without working and receiving wages. Having a student get paid for their program internship could make a big