Sometimes, it would be a rainy day, on our drive up to the big old creaky house out in the middle of nowhere. It took about
Sometimes, it would be a rainy day, on our drive up to the big old creaky house out in the middle of nowhere. It took about
The most memorable events that I experienced on my trip to Alaska with my family waswere going on a cruise, looking out at God's beautiful creation, and seeing different animals. The cruise ship that had led us to an island did not amaze me as much seeing the unique animals in the deep ocean. The ocean gave off a fresh aroma. Everything around me was so beautiful it did not even feel real. People were loading into a big white cruise ship called, ¨Nunatak¨ from the wooden dock by the emerald green shore.…
Hi, I am going to tell you about the time I went to Washington D.C to visit my grandparents. My grandma and grandpa had originally lived in Pittsburgh PA, but they had moved to D.C because my grandpa was a history buff, and my grandma got a new job. My family planned to stay down there for a few days anyway,but then they called and broke the news to us and said that we could stay with them. We live in Morgantown, WV so it was only a three and a half hour drive.…
Everyone has a place that is special to them, and mine is Blue Marsh Lake in Reading Pennsylvania. Blue Marsh is a serene and calming place that is without the traffic sounds of everyday life. As soon as I step out of the vehicle at Blue March Lake, the warm sun on my skin and the sounds of the water engulfs me in a blanket of peace. Whenever I head out to this special lake, I know I can prepare myself for complete relaxation. Another reason I enjoy Blue Marsh is it sounds so different than the city which is what adds to the calming effect.…
You killed young Herbert. It stared on a dark night. Why they, were playing chest. A man from a far away, came from a way land knocked on the door. The man had said the paw would bring you three wishes.…
The Cops all pulled up, looking for darry of course he has stolen some things after he ran out of the hospital, when johnny died. Next thing i know i hear gun shots from every angle. Pow Pow. Then i hear a faint moan the cops were trying to shoot Darry, but soda got hit trying to save darry.…
Francisco Ruiz, changed my life this year when I went to Mexico to see him for the last time. He’s my grandpa and got to see him several times during my childhood. He reached to 90 years of life. Lucky me I made it in time to see him before he past away.…
A small town called Westford, in New York State, that’s where I resided in for eighteen years of my life. Westford is about two hours of the city. The closest grocery store is thirty minutes away, and the nearest hospital is twenty three miles. Westford is all country in every way. Animals ran wild everywhere.…
he novel opens with Wang Lung, the main character getting ready for his wedding. He lives with his father because his mother died six years earlier. Wang Lung’s bride is O-lan, a slave from the rich House of Hwang. Once, he brought her home, she prepared dinner for the guests. A few months past, O-lan tends the house, and helps Wang Lung as as she can in the fields.…
“Ahhh!!! “ I yelled as my cousin tazed me with his fingers in the car. We were approaching a building made of brick. “Are we at the place?” asked my cousin.…
The best memories I remember as a kid are at the farm. In my childhood I felt FREE at the farm, grandma’s house, and outside.…
My eyes were closed and all I taste was salt water. I never imagine that my loser brother would be the person to save me, but in that hot summer day it happened. It all started in a hot summer day in the Bahamas. My parents, brother and I had gone to the beach.…
When I was little, before my parents were divorced, my parents, my two brothers, and I would go visit my family in La Grande. It was a very small town that my dad grew up in. We would stay in my great grandma’s house. The house was old yet amazing and even now I can remember every little detail about it. Outside it had many great climbing trees with faces, a giant garden that we would always harvest carrots and cucumbers from, and an old, damaged, red barn that I would always tell people had horses in it when really it was just full of gardening tools and christmas lights.…
There we lived for most of my toddler years and welcomed my sister and brother into the world. Then when I was four my dad moved us to Germany, where he would train and get drafted into Iraq. There I got to interact with a different culture and even experience kindergarten. However , months later my mom took us back home to Southern Illinois due to the fact that it just wasn’t working for her and my dad.…
My first family vacation, my family and i drove to South Beach, Florida. It was probably the most fun i ever had in my life. Being therefor the 4 days that we were was life changing. I never felt so happy being somewhere ever. it was like having your first birthday party, or being the kid that has the most presents under the tree.…
When I was a baby, we moved from St. Louis, Missouri to Mt. Juliet, Tennessee and we have lived there ever since. I do not know what it is like to live anywhere else but in the small town that is about thirty minutes east of Nashville. It is difficult for me to imagine myself growing up somewhere that is not good ole Mt. Juliet where everyone knows everyone and our most exciting event of the year is the Wilson County Fair that is held in August. I tried to imagine myself living in Australia and how different my life would have been because of the different terrains, weather patterns, and climate; religious influences; political views; economics; and cultures. Australia is a beautiful country that has a land area of about 7.692 million…