“Membership in National Junior Honor Society has become recognized as one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a junior high school student. Membership is, however, more than an honor; it carries with it a responsibility and should be considered the beginning of an obligation, not merely the successful culmination of an effort to achieve recognition and honor.” Not only because it’s an honor or a recognition, but I would like to be a part of NJHS because I’m very responsible and I love helping people and community service. Responsibility is one of the major requirements for being in NJHS.…
Washburn National Honor Society Chapter: Statement of Purpose Regarding the Washburn Memorial Library Today, February 12, I am here to address you about the Washburn Memorial Library: I, Julia Dahlgren, Vice President and representative of the Washburn National Honor Society, am here this evening to discuss the issue of closing the Washburn town library. Our community rests upon the fragile structures of historical monuments and the atmosphere that we, as Washburn residents, have provided to our little town. By continuously reprimanding vital elements of Washburn, we are not only stripping away the essence of “small town living” but we are also losing parts of ourselves: our bank has faltered, our schools are struggling, our recreation department…
The student will analyze the steps to create a student organization at Texas State University that is affiliated with Alpha Sigma Lambda national honor society. A fully effective application will be created to achieve this purpose. Thereafter, a constitution that meets the requirements of both the university and the national honor society will be created. The final procedure will be the creation of a functional local chapter of the Alpha Sigma Lambda national honor society that will continue to be a successful organization for years to come.…
I believe that I should be selected for membership into the National Honor Society because I am a hard worker and I put my heart into everything I do. School- One area that I work hard in is my schoolwork, my school work is one of the most important things in my life. This fact causes me to assume the role of leader in many group projects, which I actually enjoy doing. Helping others and working with other people to achieve a set goal is something that I genuinely enjoy.…
National Junior Honor Society I am going to tell you how the National Junior Honors Society’s standards of scholarship, character, service, leadership,and citizenship are essential compounds to developing a principled, reflective, caring, communicator, and thinker. One of the things scholarship is essential for is being a thinker. You need scholarship to be a thinker, because if you want to learn at a high level you have to put effort and thought into what you are doing. That is one way you need scholarship to be a thinker. Service is essential for being caring.…
I believe I am a good candidate to be selected for the Robert Vela High School National Honor Society because I am a dedicated student. My grades do reflect my abilities as a student, but my work ethic in the co-curricular activities that I participate is what really defines it as I put a lot of time and effort into them. In U.I.L. calculator applications, which is the main activity that I partake in, I sacrifice my time almost everyday after school and sometimes my lunch period throughout the school year, as well as the majority of my Saturdays to compete and practice. Not a lot of students would give up this much time and effort unless they are very dedicated. This also reflects my leadership and character as one has to work and communicate…
I would be a great candidate of the Anne M Dorner middle school chapter of the National Junior Honor Society because I demonstrate scholarship, service, character, citizenship, and leadership in my everyday life. Some of the committee has already noticed my scholarship because they have identified me as having a high academic performance. What the committee might not know is that I have been participating in the STEP program since 7th grade. My service to help the community of Ossining and to show service is by the following, altar service, soccer modified team manager, and I like to lead running and warm-ups for soccer. I also help in my school by helping classmates in what I can, and working in groups and getting the job done.…
Throughout my childhood, I have always looked up to those who have been part of an elite organization, such as National Honor Society. When I received the application I was proud that my determination had paid off and I was now eligible to join National Honor Society. Before I moved to Miles I was part of the National Junior Honor Society, it was an inspiring occurrence that led me to become more involved in my community. I was able to help in Special Olympics, Relay for Life, and visit a Nursing Home. I now have the chance to join and help a community that has offered me great opportunities.…
National Junior Honor Society is a great opportunity for me! I have been dreaming to be in this society ever since the end of fifth grade. I would love to be involved in NJHS and share my suggestions and listen to other people’s ideas. I am very passionate to help those in need. For an example, I have donated many foods, clothing, utensils, and more to Vietnam and to the victims of Hurricane Harvey.…
National Junior Honor Society is a great opportunity for me, and is an organization that I really hope to be in. I love doing service not because I am forced to, but I get to be with my friends and is also a way for me to give back to the community. I love helping the needy and have participated in countless activities. For example, I was a part of a group that put together care kits for the homeless, picked up trash at a park, and created blankets for the needy. Being in NJHS will give me a chance to find even more ways to do more service and become a leader.…
Essay Topic C A goal is a dream put to work. My goal in life is to be a successful, educated, woman. I am currently a member of an abundant amount of organizations, have maintained a GPA of a 3.7, and stayed within the top 8% of my class. The organizations and Honor societies that I take part in are band, where I am the drum major and a flute player, National Honor society where I am the secretary, the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Student Council where I am the vice president, UIL academics where I participate in in speaking events, and the yearbook staff.…
Applying this to my educational career has gotten me far in my achievements and experiences. I’ve always enjoyed being involved in my school and with my peers. While in high school I have joined clubs and participated in various school groups and activities. I have been an active member of the National Honor Society (NHS) chapter for my entire highschool career. I was invited to become a member of NHS because of my high academics and positive characteristics.…
Over the past several years I have strived not only to prove myself but to improve myself. The journey has taught me what it takes to become a successful student in and out of the classroom. With my experiences, I will be a beneficial member to National Honor Society through; my character, scholarship, leadership and service. An important characteristic trait to me is not about being recognized when doing good but doing good when others are not around.…
The National Honor Society is based on four pillars, which are, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. In some ways, I have already shown three of these pillars in my first two years of high school. However, there are several other ways in which I plan to lead my school, serve my community, and build my character, during my final years of high school. As I have mentioned, there are some ways that I have already shown leadership, service, and built my character during my first two years at Parkway South.…
Throughout my college career, I have had many memorable achievements and gained lots of knowledge on valuable lessons. Yet there are specific lessons and achievements that stand out. Last year, I had the privilege of being asked to join Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society at UCR, which recruits the top 20% of all undergraduate students. By joining and becoming actively involved with the organization, I was fortunate enough to be offered the position of Vice- President of the organization, which is the most meaningful achievement I have had so far.…