John Stuart Mill And The Abortion Debate

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Abortion, in its nature, is considered to be a hugely controversial subject, with pro and anti choice sides levelling various reasons at each other as to why abortion is, or is not, ok. In this essay I intend to discuss whether or not abortion is an individual choice or economic necessity, based off the theories and reasoning of Mary Wollstonecraft, J.S Mill and Karl Marx, and from each authors perspective and what we can perhaps deduce about their thoughts. The phrase 'politics of abortion' can strike up various meanings for people; it essentially invokes the ever ongoing struggle for women's reproductive rights, and fighting for reproductive rights traditionally means that there is a focus on issues of agency or control, and who has the …show more content…
Mill has a prominent theory of liberty which he wrote about in his book 'On Liberty' in which the aim of the text is elaborate on and to defend the principle on which 'the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual' (Gray 2013), and he would then go on and describe liberty as 'the importance, to man and society, of a large variety in types of character, and of giving full freedom to human nature to expand itself in innumerable and conflicting directions.' He argues that the only authoritative power that can exert power upon people is that of society itself. He again argues that the times where one's liberty can be interfered with by society or certain individuals are for reasons of self-protection. He finds that when a certain law or any public opinion may be good for one's own good and their welfare, but that this not mean that these laws or opinions can be used to coerce others and that coercion is only acceptable when an individual may cause harm to another (Gingell et al 2000). Mill's theories were influenced by his father James Mill, and by fellow philosopher Jeremy Bentham and Bentham's subsequent philosophy of Utilitarianism. Despite the fact that Mill heavily disputed Bentham's vision of Utilitarianism, in remained a key factor in the formation of his theory on liberty (Cannon 2014). Mill had a view of …show more content…
The principle of liberty could contribute to society deciding when the restraint of liberty may be justified- in this case we look to the harm principal and we ask when do we need to restrain the principle of liberty? We can, in theory, object to abortion based on the idea that the foetus has a right to life- but there is also the issue of the pregnant woman; does she get a say in what happens to her rights? (Gray 2000). Mill's theory also makes it difficult to distinguish between harming one-self and harming someone else; do we consider the foetus as a person? Can we separate the foetus from the woman knowing that it can not survive? (Gray 2000). Going by Mill's theories, it is evident that we can not determine what is right and what is wrong- his theory makes us ask questions about the ethics of abortion, but it doesn't help us determine whether or not Mill would view abortion as a matter of choice or an economic necessity. It is intrinsically subjective in its nature. If we go by utilitarian thought, the thought of giving birth for some makes them unhappy, having an abortion doesn't make them any happier, but it gives the best outcome relative to their

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