Moral Dilemma Of Abortion Essay

Superior Essays
The Moral Dilemma of Abortion “There is a plan and a purpose, a value to every life, no matter what its location, age, gender or disability” (Angle, n.d.). The ability to live is undoubtedly the greatest privilege given to mankind, and merely existing is perhaps the thing each man takes most for granted. The moral dilemma of abortion attempts to calculate the value of life by determining if exterminating a fetus is an ethical decision. Abortion is arguably one of the most relevant and frequently discussed moral topics in American society today, and plays an important role in both the personal lives of individuals and legal decisions made by the country as a whole. Various ethical systems provide unique answers for the morality of abortion, …show more content…
Utilitarianism states that a decision is ethical when it beneficially impacts the majority of people involved. Utilitarianism also focuses on maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain, as well as maximizing utility (“Utilitarian”, n.d.). Because of this ideology, this particular system of ethics can be applied in defense of the pro-life stance on abortion. For instance, abortion requires the termination of a fetus that would otherwise result in a life. This is removing the possibility for a human to have a thriving, successful life that results in happiness, therefore not allowing this potential human to seek happiness. In concordance with this theme, the actual procedure necessary to perform an abortion is painful, resulting in an increase in pain to the fetus (“Utilitarian”, n.d.). This contradicts one of the fundamental principles of utilitarianism, to increase pleasure and to avoid pain. In addition, utilitarianism places great emphasis on maximizing utility. The very purpose of abortion is to end a human life, which reduces overall utility by impeding the natural reproduction process and therefore inhibiting further population. This is counterintuitive to the utilitarian code of ethics. In summary, Utilitarianism contradicts abortion and therefore provides a compelling argument for the pro-life stance regarding this ethical

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