Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere

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The legal and recreational use of Marijuana has been social taboo since the mid twentieth century. The issue however is when can one openly carry and consume it? Marijuana has been a victim of social however, not all people think in that way. The Huffington Post’s Renee Jaque and Todd Van wrote This Is Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere;which discusses the economic and medical benefits of legalizing marijuana while also discussing the social aspects of it .Contrastingly Townhall’s John Hawkins wrote 5 Reason Marijuana Should Be Illegal and to be more specific the medical reasons behind it when it came to mental health and addictiveness . One can say the reason why people think this is important issue is because people’s lives improve …show more content…
Hawkin’s backed his statement by a study of a series of postal workers who tested positive for marijuana had in increase in accident, injuries, and absences. On the other hand Jaque and Van from This Is Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Everywhere made their point by saying many extremely successful people use cannabis. They discussed Martha Stewart on an interview discussing “sloppy joints” and Stewart replies “Of course I know how to roll a joint”. Stewart is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in our country and actively consumes cannabis along with other successful people such as Maya Angelou, Morgan Freeman, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, and even Rush Limbaugh. Now my thoughts on these topics were very interesting however I felt Hawkin’s argument and even the study he chose was heavily flawed. The study Hawkin’s chose was flawed due to many of the following reasons. Reason being one is because they[scientist] simply just tested their subjects for THC in their system and declared that there was an increase in accidents,injury,and absences from work. Now if anyone has ever smoked marijuana they would know that there is a big difference between being actively high and simply just having it in your system. Simply having it in your system while you're sober isn’t going to affect your work productivity. So it goes to follow a question about the study Hawkins chose:Were the workers under the influence of marijuana at the exact time when they were working?That would be the only way they would receive these numbers and if they were high it’s obvious there is going to be more accidents. You do not need to be a scientist to understand that. To be under the effect of any drug while working and expecting a positive result is simply moronic. The exact same study could be applied to alcohol yet, it is still legalized. Jaque and Van’s point completely

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