Summary Of The Article 'You Must Be High' By Marty Nemko

Superior Essays
Tanveer Khalili
Professor Wong
English 4
4 April 2018
Evaluating Argument Analysis

In Marty Nemko editorial "Legalize Pot? You Must Be High", was published by
Times News in 2014. In this article,Nemko concludes that marijuana is a destructive drug in numerous ways such as , developing brain diseases such as “schizophrenia” , impacting “natural reproductive system processes”, and degradation of the” immune system”. Nemko utilizes predictable attempts to convince its audience that "When weighing the liabilities of marijuana, tobacco, it seems clear that an out-and-out ban” should be imposed. I am convinced of the fact that Nemko is providing an inclusive argument because he fails to mention the countless benefits of Marijuana and lacks a
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He asserts that Heath's experiment conducted on adolescents by Sylvia M. Raver from the Maryland University of Medicine seemed to showcase concrete evidence of “permanently impaired cognition” and intensified risk for serious psychiatric disabilities such as “schizophrenia’ (Raver, 2013).On the contrary Nemko fails acknowledge whether the test subjects were human or animals .After examining his source of information one can see that during experiments , the mice were administered “20 mg” of marijuana, which is an excessively high dosage ,considering that of the average recreational or medical marijuana user can “legally smoke ~5mg of marijuana”, according to Anna Wilcox’s article on correct marijuana doses.(Wilcox,2017) . It is evident that Nemko is deceiving its readers in two ways: first by omitting important details in his article and secondly by utilizing a manipulated research experiment that had a predetermined outcome as his source of information to uphold his negative perception of Marijuana. Moreover, Nemko fails to provide opposing evidence and attempt to explain why they should be discredited as opposed to using biased research data as his outlet of information. Furthermore, Nemko claims that “frequent marijuana smokers will suffer from brain damage” (Nemko,2014). If that is the case them why would an reputable institution such as American Medical Association claim : “Long-term and even daily marijuana use doesn't appear to cause permanent brain damage, adding to evidence that it can be a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases”.(WMDC,2003). If Nemko addressed research such as this and could provide logical reasoning as to why they may be incorrect would help elevate his credibility instead of providing manipulated

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