MS Case Studies

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MS occurs when the immune system attacks the myelin sheath that cover and protect the nerve fibers. When myelin is damaged the information, or the nerve impulses, from the sensory nerves can no longer reach CNS , which consequently lead to wrong responses in the body. Because MS is unpredictable disease, the progression of MS differ from one patient to another. Therefore, doctors have to follow the patient’s case carefully to recognize whether the Disease progresses to later stages or not. The progression of MS and the changes in the patient’s case will be explain in this essay.

First of all, MS in many patients starts relapsing-remitting MS—that is, the common type of MS—in this stage the patient experiences the immune attacks which called relapses. These relapses,
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According to MS Society “ around 65 percent of people with relapsing remitting MS will develop secondary progressive MS 15 years after diagnosed.” What makes secondary progressive MS different from the other types of MS, which are primary progressive MS and progressive relapsing MS, is that this type of MS in dependent on relapsing remitting MS, in other words, patients can not be affected by secondary progressive MS unless they have relapsing remitting MS first.

Furthermore, secondary progressive MS has fewer relapses that relapsing remitting MS because the attacks of the immune system on CNS at this stage decrease. However, those few relapses can aggressively worsen the disease because the nerves have been damaged already. These relapses will eventually worsen some of the symptoms which are numbness, vision problems such as double vision, and the disability of walking. The remission periods of secondary progressive MS are incomplete which means that the patient may or not recover after the relapses, and what makes the secondary progressive MS more

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