Multiple Sclerosis, sometimes called MS, is a disease in which your immune system eats away the protective covering on the nerves, causing disrupted communication between the body and the brain. MS is a rare disease with less than 200,000 cases in the U.S. per year. There are treatments you can take to lessen the effects, but the disease incurable. My grandma and my mom’s twin sister both have MS. Seeing what my grandma has been and is going through it is tough think about what my aunt Jen is going to go through as she gets older. Luckily, she has been starting to take at-home shots for the nerve damage, but they get very expensive, and they have negative side-effects. …show more content…
My grandma made a tradition of sewing Christmas stalking’s for each new baby born. She only made two stalking’s, for me and Cam, because she her hands were not able to sew the tiny green and white beads, and other trinkets onto the stalking. As my little sister, Kendall, got older she realized grandma didn’t make her a stalking. She was upset, but Cam and I take ours for granted because they represent a good time in my grandma’s life. My grandma had to limit walking when I was five. This was difficult for her because she didn’t want to be tied to a wheelchair. Almost a year later her legs could barely