This experiment concluded that people follow the majority in a situation as seen in Lord of the Flies, more specifically in chapter five Examples of this include, a man in an elevator with other men facing the rear, so he follows them by turning around or a man follows a group of men when they take off and put on their hates. These examples could be seen on the television show, “Candid Camera”. In conclusion, in Lord of the Flies, William Golding suggests that people follow what is considered popular in a situation and the experiment that was conducted validates this
This experiment concluded that people follow the majority in a situation as seen in Lord of the Flies, more specifically in chapter five Examples of this include, a man in an elevator with other men facing the rear, so he follows them by turning around or a man follows a group of men when they take off and put on their hates. These examples could be seen on the television show, “Candid Camera”. In conclusion, in Lord of the Flies, William Golding suggests that people follow what is considered popular in a situation and the experiment that was conducted validates this