Human Nature In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

Superior Essays
Different individuals have different views on the true nature of humans whether it is that individuals are born naturally evil or innocent. A great example of one’s ideas on human nature is William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies. The author of the novel shares many ideas on human nature with an enlightenment philosopher, Thomas Hobbes. Hobbes idea on human nature correspond with Golding’s ideas through his writing. Hobbes believes that humans are born with a natural evil and will grow corrupt. Through the character Jack, that Golding creates, readers can understand that it is human nature to have an urge for something, which is Jack’s case is a hunger for superior power. Jack starts off losing the election to be leader and is secretly resenting …show more content…
Rousseau believes that humans are born innocent but are later corrupted by society. “Although, in this state, he deprives himself of some advantages which he got from nature, he gains in return others so great” (Rousseau). Rousseau believes that men are born equal but through the influence of society men “deprives himself of some advantages” that they are born with. Rousseau uses the words such as “advantages” to inform the reader about the features that mankind is born with but society removes it. The tone Rousseau uses is pro mankind but only to an extent. He says that men are born with great characteristics, but slowly through the influences of society the characteristics perish. The mood Rousseau sets for the reader shows that nature gives man great characteristics but it is up to themselves to maintain it. While Rousseau makes a compelling argument about human nature, but he does not adequately address the reality that men are born with the hunger for more of something. Hobbes ideas align with Golding’s ideas better because Golding’s character Jack is nearly a perfect example of Hobbes’ interpretation on human nature. An example of another scene is when Jack is tired of not possessing the amount of power he wishes and tries to hold a re-election for choosing another leader. “‘Hands up,’ said Jack strongly, ‘whoever wants Ralph not to be

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