I do agree with some of Golding 's view points because that is true when you are stranded on a island you don 't have to listen to the government for what is right and what is wrong and you don 't have to care about what you are doing because society isn 't watching your every move. I think there is always going to be those people that live completely off the grid and they don 't care what they look like or what there going to post on instagram, but then I also think that there is always going to be those people that just want to fit in with the people that are going to be groomed and in there steam pressed suit so either way you look at it there is going to be someone above you and below you in the social class of this world. I don 't believe that people will ever just go back to there primitive/ animal instincts. But I can make a connection to the odyssey and how he going back to his animal like instincts with trying to get a
I do agree with some of Golding 's view points because that is true when you are stranded on a island you don 't have to listen to the government for what is right and what is wrong and you don 't have to care about what you are doing because society isn 't watching your every move. I think there is always going to be those people that live completely off the grid and they don 't care what they look like or what there going to post on instagram, but then I also think that there is always going to be those people that just want to fit in with the people that are going to be groomed and in there steam pressed suit so either way you look at it there is going to be someone above you and below you in the social class of this world. I don 't believe that people will ever just go back to there primitive/ animal instincts. But I can make a connection to the odyssey and how he going back to his animal like instincts with trying to get a