Without listening, it is hard to accomplish anything. In an article for Weekly Reader Magazine, longtime author Marilyn Cram Donahue gives examples of how to be a better listener. “Maintain eye contact. This may be hard, but looking at the ceiling shows the other person that you are not fully concentrated. Avoid communication potholes. This means concentrating on the important stuff, and not getting side tracked by non-essentials” (Donahue, “How Active is Your Listening?”). This quote shows the importance of concentrating on the speaker so you understand
Without listening, it is hard to accomplish anything. In an article for Weekly Reader Magazine, longtime author Marilyn Cram Donahue gives examples of how to be a better listener. “Maintain eye contact. This may be hard, but looking at the ceiling shows the other person that you are not fully concentrated. Avoid communication potholes. This means concentrating on the important stuff, and not getting side tracked by non-essentials” (Donahue, “How Active is Your Listening?”). This quote shows the importance of concentrating on the speaker so you understand