Trung Hoang Professor Pete Nguyen Engl 101 18 September 2015 Kinesthetic: Modern learning style Throughout life, I use kinesthetic learning style to improve my education because it is one of the best effective learning styles which support me in this modern society. People need to have a good education to support them because knowledge will help them overcome any problems.…
Kolb’s Learning Style Course Requirement for Deed 600: Advanced Studies of the Developmental Learner By Tameka Miller Presented to: Dr. Reubenson Wanjohi October 18, 2015 Kolb’s learning style was developed in the early 1970’s by David A. Kolb and his associate Roger Fry. Kolb wanted to find out the process behind making sense of concrete experiences, along with the types of learning that goes with it. It is said the he models his work after Piaget, Dewey, and Lewin. Kolb’s profession was the study of organizational behavior.…
My Learning Style Result (LSR) Learning Styles Result 1 Visual (V) 10 2 Aural/ Auditory 2 3 Read/Write 1 4 Kinesthetic 9 Yes, this is my first time of taking this all important inventory, yes I am greatly on how kinesthetically and visually connected I am. That I like picturesque languages, posters, and videos. I already know that I am addicted to using different colors, graphs, drawing and diagrams, but the degree of this addition was unknown as revealed by this inventory today.…
My parents have always challenged me to strive to do my best since I was a child. From pushing me to learn how to ride a bike at age five, to striving me to achieve a higher ACT score to attend the college I love, I learned how to become very independent and credible. As I approached my high school years, I changed mentally by creating a positive mindset after my freshman year. As to this day, getting a 3.11-grade point average has affected me in both positive and negative ways. One characteristic that I figured out about myself is that I am a person who learns from mistakes due to the fact that I am a tactile learner.…
According to the Learning Styles Inventory. My most developed and strongest learning styles are bodily-kinesthetic, verbal-linguistic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. The test reveals that I am not highly developed in any particular type of intelligence and I am weak and underdeveloped in visual-spatial, logical-mathematical, and naturalist intelligences. The book suggests that as a person with stronger interpersonal strengths, study strategies such as going over notes with fellow students are helpful. Based on my results as a strong verbal-linguistic individual, rewriting my notes in order to eliminate excess information and to hone into the important ideas, would be beneficial to my success in this course.…
The more we use auditory to the visual reading process, the stronger the neural connection will be between neurons. Moreover, the new learned concepts will be more accurate and clear. To recite we can utilize, flashcards which you prepare previously or study in a group, to recite to each other definitions, clue words, or formulas, among other concepts. 7. Visualization One should make a mental picture of the things that we are learning.…
The purpose of this paper is to identify and compare the meaning as well as the differences of three learning styles as they relate to both the academic and professional realm. I have chosen these three styles because I believe the majority of people are either visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners. Each person has his or her own way of converting, processing, storing, and retrieving information. The way we connect the information is an important part of the learning process. Learning is an individual process unique to everyone and as individuals we tend to prefer different learning methods.…
When working with people that are more inclined to another learning style or method, you can learn from them while also helping to teach your own learning style to those around you. For a kinesthetic learner, learning how to make more succinct and cogent notes would help when there is something of importance that is mentioned within the learning experience that is complex enough to not be able to commit it to memory; something that is more of an abstract quality would be an example of this. The ability to listen, write it down, and read it back without any signal loss is key to increasing your multimodal learning experience. Additionally, being able to visualize something, as well as identify from a presented visual artifact, is a trait that many strong kinesthetic learners need to increase skills within. The abstract modeling of something within the mental space can prove advantageous when dealing with several ideologies within a chosen field; such interventional modeling, disease cluster grouping, and biostatistical analyses within public health journal articles.…
According to the learning style quiz I am a auditory/tactile learner, and I only somewhat agree with my quiz results. I do not believe I am an auditory learner in the slightest. Auditory learners work well in study groups, and thrive on lectures and oral instructions. Whereas i like quiet areas to read to myself and learn better by having directions or map in my hands to get where i am going. Auditory learners may also read to themselves out loud to make sure they remember what they are learning.…
According to The Vark learning styles questionnaire the two learning styles that I learn best with best are aural and kinesthetic. Aural means I learn best when hearing the information spoken and by asking questions about the concept I am learning. The other way I learn best is being kinesthetic which means I use my five senses and hands on experiences to help me learn. The Aural side of me likes to remember stories, examples, and jokes, to be to relate them to the concept I am learning. I have found that I when attended class and really focus on what the instructor or professor is teaching I am able to grasp the concept that is being taught.…
In the lower grades, teachers used more hands-on methods and kinesthetic learners learned easily. But anatomy professors in college are less likely to focus on different the learning styles. The lecture portion of class is ideal for auditory learners and visual learners because they can listen to lecture and see PowerPoints but leaves very little room for kinesthetic learners. In college, kinesthetic learning is usually restricted to science, which makes the anatomy lab the perfect place to embrace it. By appealing to each of the learning styles in the anatomy lab, better learning and retention will take place.…
Learning is multidimensional. Very seldom will a learner use just one type of learning style. There are four different learning styles: Visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic and multimodal. Multimodal is a combination of two or more of the learning styles. Those who are multimodal in their preferences can be more flexible about how they take in and give out information than those with a VARK profile that emphasizes a single preference.…
Not all learning styles can fit into a specific situation, there are times when a kinesthetic style is better than an aural. By becoming proficient in all learning styles, I would become flexible in all learning situations. The student should be able to shift towards the professors teaching styles in addition to exceling in their learning environment. Now, I work the best with the aural, kinesthetic, and read/write learning styles, with the weakest like being the visual learning style. By taking the content learned to the next level by shifting it across learning styles, I would gain a greater understanding towards it.…
Everyone is a different type of learner. I am a visual learner according to the surveys. They showed that Ilearn best when Isee people demonstrate something before Ido it. Ipersonally disagree with that for the following reasons: Idon't learn best when Isee something done first, Ilearn best when I do something first unaided and uninstructed. Kinesthetic learners do that.…
The Beauty of the Human Brain Everyone somewhere down their lifetime has been able to remember or memorize basic information, whether it is for pure enjoyment or as an obligation. For instance, if they remembered a book they read maybe as a kid or an activity somewhere down their life. All of these are some of the many ways we use our brain, which comes with memorizing or just simply as memories we obtain. The human brain is basically the command system in the body, it tells every muscle how to move or react, and one of the best things a brain can be used for is memorization. Memory is the term given to the structure and process involved in the storage and subsequent retrieval information.…