Course Requirement for
Deed 600: Advanced Studies of the Developmental Learner
Tameka Miller
Presented to:
Dr. Reubenson Wanjohi
October 18, 2015
Kolb’s learning style was developed in the early 1970’s by David A. Kolb and his associate Roger Fry. Kolb wanted to find out the process behind making sense of concrete experiences, along with the types of learning that goes with it. It is said the he models his work after Piaget, Dewey, and Lewin. Kolb’s profession was the study of organizational behavior. He is well known for his experimental learning contributions to his area of study and thinking. Kolb & Fry created the famous model based on the following four elements: concrete experience, observational reflection, formation of abstract concepts, and testing new situations. Kolb assumed learning cycles begin sometime during these four stages, and continue sporadically throughout an individual’s life learning process. These learning styles have unique features such as abstract, concrete, active, and reflective. According to the Handbook of Individual Differences Learning by Jonassen and Grabowski, Abstract individuals comprehend information conceptually and symbolically. Concrete individuals rely on or apprehend by the tangible, felt qualities of immediate experience. Active individuals extend the environment by external manipulation. Reflective individuals exhibit intention by internal reflection on the external world. During concrete experience, the learning process initializes after a person does a certain action and notices the effect of that particular action. In observational reflection, allows the learner to understand a particular occurrence so if that particular action repeats itself the learner will be able to know what to do next. The formation of abstract concepts, allows for the learner to understand the overall principle in which the occurrence occurred. Though testing new situation, apply the application to a new situation based on a previous experience by relating the learned experience. Kolb's learning styles in terms of a two-by-two matrix represents a combination of two preferred styles. He defines the four learning styles as diverging, assimilating, converging, and accommodating. Divergent individuals look at things from various perspectives. They are watchers rather than doers. These are your students that generate ideas and are great at thinking. An individual …show more content…
K. 2001, 2010) (Jonassen & Grabowski, 1993):
1. Learning is best conceived as a process, rather than in terms of outcomes.
2. Learning is a continuous process grounded in experience.
3. The process of learning requires the resolution of conflicts between dialectically opposed offers.
4. Learning is a holistic process of adaption to the world.
5. Learning involves transactions between the individual and the environment.
6. Learning is the process of creating knowledge (Kolb, 1984 …show more content…
Also, individuals can be helped to learn more effectively by the identification of their lesser preferred learning styles and the strengthening of these through the application of the experiential learning cycle (McLeod, S. A. 2013). When working with developmental education students, I plan to use this method to possibly bring out my students abilities from each stage of Kolb’s experiential learning cycle because almost everyone needs some kind of push to ignite learning,
In conclusion, as we all know learning is based on various circumstances from life’s experiences to heredity. As I engaged in each model, I was able to relate personally in some way rather it was in my own life experiences or through my students. I believe this model could be expanded upon in my own practical world. I plan to take some concepts from this learning style and apply it to my every day perception of best