Making changes could result in spending a large amount of the revenue that may never be recouped. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on furniture for a new factory that may or may not flourish may not be the smartest idea. Paying employees more in one factory than in another may also raise some ethical issues. This may result in the employees at other factory locations refusing to work due to the lack of equality in pay. How can it be justified that employees who are doing similar jobs have such an extreme difference in
Making changes could result in spending a large amount of the revenue that may never be recouped. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on furniture for a new factory that may or may not flourish may not be the smartest idea. Paying employees more in one factory than in another may also raise some ethical issues. This may result in the employees at other factory locations refusing to work due to the lack of equality in pay. How can it be justified that employees who are doing similar jobs have such an extreme difference in