I wondered how they assessed and determined to send her back to the horrifying household. I questioned, “What was considered as sufficient evidence besides numerous marks and injury of Kayla for workers to not send her home?” I also was curious about the Florida state regulation that states circumstances where children should kept separate from their parents. In film, I remember one of interviews conducted by social worker was with Kayla and her parents together in the room. It was inconsiderate to interview the victim with suspects. To examine and gather true information, social worker should have interviewed them separately. It was the social worker’s mistake to not scrutinize all aspects of the incident and accepted what Kayla’s parents explained as discipline, which seemed more of harsh punishment. Although Kayla could not disclose the truth, it was clear that this child was battered with visible marks and
I wondered how they assessed and determined to send her back to the horrifying household. I questioned, “What was considered as sufficient evidence besides numerous marks and injury of Kayla for workers to not send her home?” I also was curious about the Florida state regulation that states circumstances where children should kept separate from their parents. In film, I remember one of interviews conducted by social worker was with Kayla and her parents together in the room. It was inconsiderate to interview the victim with suspects. To examine and gather true information, social worker should have interviewed them separately. It was the social worker’s mistake to not scrutinize all aspects of the incident and accepted what Kayla’s parents explained as discipline, which seemed more of harsh punishment. Although Kayla could not disclose the truth, it was clear that this child was battered with visible marks and