Before reading this book I would buy things, many of them outside of my price range, simply because I saw it as something that was better than what I currently had. This would cause me to struggle financially. Due to my own stubbornness, I have had to learn the hard way that I do not always need to have the "newest" or "best" cell phone available. A few years ago I bought the new Samsung Galaxy S4 thinking it had to be better, because it was new. It only took three months before this phone began to have problems. I had it replaced three times; still it did not work as advertised. This was not the “new” and “better” than I originally wanted. Being from Illinois originally like Kanye, I was and still am a huge fan. Therefore, when I heard he was coming out with a book I ran to the store and got it as soon as possible. I use to believe so deeply that the better you look, the better you feel. Nothing made me look or feel better than a pair of shoes. Sadly quality was better than quality. I had multiple monthly subscription boxes for shoes. I would buy at least two pairs of shoes each month at 39.99. Trust me, you get what you pay for. This book has helped me to appreciate the things I already owned. I began to notice that all the other new and better things I would over spend on in the past were no longer of interest to me. When reading this book I come to realize a few harsh realities about myself. …show more content…
With time, I started to notice that the only reason I had the full cable package was the need to be included in the conversations my coworkers were having about television shows. This book was like a giant neon sign saying, “This cable television has to go!” As I have gained more control over my budget, letting things go has become easier. One of the hardest things for me to let go of was cable television. There was no way I could justify paying $60 month just to watch television. So, I had to cancel my cable television plan with AT&T. Instead, I signed up for Hulu and Netflix. Combined, these two subscriptions cost $20 per month. $20 dollars is a long way from $60. Thank you, And You’re Welcome helped guide me to a better mindset, to the point that I started mapping out what I could and could not afford. Having all the numbers written out made