On a corporate or division level members in the higher levels have more decision-making power than those in lower levels. According to Samantha Hanly, business writer for Chron, there are three hierarchical levels that members of management fall into: top-level, middle, and first-level (Hanly). Lower level workers take direction from higher level employees. The Johnson Technical Outsourcing Agency will be managed with a hierarchical view in mind. The top-level managers will consist of personnel who are overall responsible for the direction the company will take. In JTOA, our top-level managers must have the technical experience and a history of getting results. These managers will be the face of our agency. They will work with the subject matter experts from the lower levels of management within our agency to provide quality IT services to our clients. Our CEO will develop and cultivate new and existing customers, partnerships with small businesses, and strategic alliances with local, state, and federal government agencies by bidding on technical contracts. The JTOA will have a Chief Operations Officer (COO) who will be responsible for looking out for issues related to marketing, sales, production, and ensuring that we have the most innovative solutions for our clients. A Chief Financial Officer will be brought into our …show more content…
These individuals work within their respective departments to ensure tasks are assigned properly, monitor the workflow of their employees, deal with work/employee related issues, and provide training to newly hired personnel. These first-line managers will also keep department heads and upper management abreast of problems or success at the ground level. As it is often easy for upper levels of management to lose touch with the importance that the first-line managers play in the organization, regularly scheduled team building events will be held. These events will encourage our first-line management team to step out of their normal roles and fully take on their ownership of the