John Proctor's Reputation In The Crucible

Improved Essays
A person’s good reputation is the source of true power. At the beginning of the play, the author lets us know how good of a person John Proctor is. He is a well respected man and due to his good reputation; his power in the town is also good and “true”. The people of Salem are not aware of the past affair that took place between Abigail and John. All throughout the book, this is the only thing that John has done wrong. Seeing this, John is illustrated as a good person throughout the book and I believe he truly is. Having a successful life with his kids and property, everyone practically looks up to him as a man and father in the town. Taking out his past mistakes and flaws, John Proctor has true power in Salem. At the start of the play, when the girls are caught dancing in the woods, Proctor’s power is high and mighty and continues to be just until his wife is arrested. Abigail's ultimate goal is to have Elizabeths named blackened as much as she has blackened Abigail's own name. When Elizabeth was taken from their houses due to being accused of witchcraft, many start to doubt John himself. During Elizabeth's trial, John admits to his affair with Abigail in effort to save his wife. Proctor says while crying out “Elizabeth, I have confessed it!” After this Elizabeth realizes she has truly messed up and says “Oh, God!” Proctor knows what his wife was only trying to do; save him. He says, “She only thought to save my …show more content…
The play talks about names being blackened and how the town feels after all the accusations take place. Along with many people, Proctor’s reputation and power is affected in different ways. Whether it be: after confessing to the affair, or being hung at the end of the play, Proctor’s power and reputation is always fluctuating. With a good reputation comes true power and that's exactly what the play is trying to say about power and

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