Who Was Responsible For John Proctor's Death

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John Proctor’s Death There are many characters in “The Crucible” who could be blamed for John Proctor’s death. The majority of the audience and readers could say that almost every character is responsible for John Proctor’s death in some way. However, there are a few characters who really stood out, and one character in particular was Abigail Williams. Most readers believe that she is the one who should be held accountable for his death, but in reality, John Proctor is the one responsible for his own death. If he wouldn't have cheated on his wife, admitted to having an affair with Abby while in court with the judges, or ripped up the paper he was supposed to sign, he would still be alive. He is the one to blame, and his actions are the things …show more content…
Even though he made some mistakes that even affected his wife Elizabeth Proctor, she still forgave him for everything because she loves him despite what he has done. John Proctor was having an affair with Abigail Williams and it went a little too far and got out of hand. Abby started to fall in love with John, but John still wanted to be with his wife. Because John made Abby fall in love with him, she wanted to be with him forever and be his wife. Abby wanted to make Elizabeth disappear so that she could have him all to herself. Abby then told a lie that would soon get thrown way out of proportion. She had accused Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch. After she said something, then all of the other girls did too. The girls and others all started naming people left and right and that started to get the whole town’s attention. Of course, this is Abby’s fault because she is the one who started the horrendous lie, but she would not have started it if John Proctor had not led her to believe that they were in …show more content…
He wanted Mary to do this for him so that him and his wife would stop receiving false witch accusations from Abby and the rest of the town. Mary was a very weak girl, so it was hard for John to put all his faith in her. Judge Danforth was not believing anything that John was saying about his wife being innocent so he decided to confess about his affair. He told the entire court about Abby and what happened between them and John did this so that Judge Danforth could see that Abby was making all of the witch accusations up. To make sure John was telling the truth, Judge Danforth told Parris to run and get Elizabeth to ask her about the affair. When she got there she tried to look to John for help to answer the questions, but she couldn’t. To try and save her husband, she ended up answering that John did not have an affair with Abby, unaware that he had already confessed to it. As soon as that ended, Abby started playing more witch tricks saying that Mary was with the devil. Since Mary was weak, she ran back over to Abby’s side and said to John Proctor, “You’re the Devil’s man” (Miller 194). Then Mary tells Judge Danforth how he is with the Devil and how he is a witch, and Danforth believes him, so John gets sent to jail. If John would not have admitted to doing this, then he could still be

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