The Crucible John Proctor Conflict Essay

Decent Essays
Grant Carr
Mrs. Siplivy
The Crucible Essay John Proctor is a farmer, who lives in the town where all the accusations are taking place. John is Elizabeth Proctor’s husband and is stringent man. Nevertheless, he has sinned within his marriage. He took part in an affair with Abigail Williams. The affair and corresponding guilt that resulted from it are the onset of his decline. When Abigail attempts to shift the focus from herself by implicating other citizens, John Proctor is conflicted. He did not want to expose Abigail and her lies because he is afraid that his secret affair will be brought up and thereby, his virtuous reputation will be shattered. Proctor goes to Parris’s house to join the girls and the people who have also come
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The court urges him to sign a confession that he was with the devil but now is with God. Towards the end, John refuses to lie and allow the court to hang his confession that is not truthful to the church wall. Proctor knows that he will once again disgrace his good name, if he confesses to something that is a lie. John wants to live, but avoiding his death is not worth giving up the only thing he has left, his good name as well as living the rest of his life as a lie. This, as well as his wife's forgiveness, makes Proctor forgive himself and finally regain his good name and self-respect. As he is being taken away, he finally finds the peace in himself that he has been longing for. John Proctors re-discovers his honor as an upstanding citizen of Salem and God. Ultimately, John Proctor is able to redeem his prized possession of his upstanding reputation and respected named by sacrificing that in order to protect his wife. His crucible is to admit to his affair and in doing so he is able to finally overcome the guilt and resentment toward himself that he is unable to avoid during the entire book as well as regaining respect and love from his wife,

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