I never saw it coming... I never knew it was going to happen so fast... I cant remember... what I saw... what I heard... what I felt... all I know is that when the rescue team came in the only thing I remember is all of my squad dead... all of them lifeless... all of them full of sadness and in vain... I will never forget that. My name is Jack Blackburn and this is my story.
June 2nd 2011 0800= 8:00 am
I felt the hot sweet run down my face from the beating weather in the dessert of Oman. I blanked out from the heat into my own little world trying to hypnotize myself from the last of the flashes from the last Russian scout group a few clicks back south from our location. I came back to reality from the words of our squad leader Montes. He told me to go get the other squad members as if we had a new objective to accomplish. 15 minutes later I was back with everyone else of our group of 5 which were Myself, Montes, Cole, Mattew, and Alex. …show more content…
"This is our new objective, Operation Armed Fist. We have been assigned to take out a Russian camp 3 clicks Northeast from our position. We will be joined by three other squads code named Metal 0-1 and 0-2, and Alpha 0-1. Be advised when we do engage make sure to take out their heavy armor first we don’t want any tanks on our six. Metal 1 and 2 are engaging from the east going loud to distract the rest of the camp while Alpha take the west side moving in silently while we take the south side going in silent. We good? Good. Saddle up. Urah.