After they pressed on they saw a three armed men and a dog patrolling the streets.Roach and his captain …show more content…
But they had to protect it from enemy reinforcements that were coming to keep Roach and Ghost from leaving with the intel.He had to get geared up and ready to fight them.So he grabbed a RPG from the armory and a light machine gun to hold off the men.Roaches man overwatch told Ghost that he spotted enemy helicopter troopers rappelling down from the choppers Roach had to take action before the troops got to the ground , he aimed the RPG at the chopper and fire a round at it and made impacted and the chopper spun out of control and crashed.More choppers incoming said the overwatcher And Roach fired another RPG round at the light bird that dropped off enemy troops , but they weren’t aware that Roach was about to fire a RPG round at them.
When more troops came Roach and ghost had to fall back to the extraction point where they will extract the intel to the US rangers General. He gave the intel to the general but later he realized that the general was betraying him so the general pointed a gun at roach and shot him and the general lit roach on fire and killed him and that is the end of my short story the