This meeting was to decide what would be done about the tea tax and it was held on December 16th 1773 at the Old South Meeting House. Francis Rotch along with Samuel Adams and thousands of people from Boston and the surrounding areas gathered in hopes of gaining the permission for the Dartmouth to leave Boston without unloading the East India Company tea cargo. Hutchinson denied their request and the peoples demands were not met. This caused and outrage among the American Colonist, words resonated throughout the meeting house for the Sons of Liberty to carry out their rebellious plan of attack. “They muster 'd I 'm told, upon Fort Hill, to the number of about two hundred, and proceeded, two by two, to Griffin 's wharf, where Hall, Bruce, and Coffin lay, each with 114 chests of the ill fated article on board…” Andrews describes here the amount of participants gathering on Fort hill and marching down like soldiers ready to attack the ships which he refers to by the captain’s last names.…