College is expensive for most American students. Many graduate with student loans that some are even still paying off in their 40s. Some people say that college isn’t worth it anymore, especially in labor jobs. Alan Blinder says that the crucial distinction in the emerging labor market is not between those with more or less education, but between those whose services can be delivered over a wire and those who must do their work in person or on site (source A). Employers for most labor jobs …show more content…
Why spend time and money for a degree when it isn’t even necessary. A national survey from 2011 shows that most people believe that having a good character and work ethic helps you succeed in the world, not a college education (source F). If someone is nice to people and they know how to work, they are more likely to get a job over someone who is rude and lazy who might also happen to have a college education. A music instructor once told me that he chose the student who was second best over the best musician because he was a nice and kind person and was willing to admit that he wasn’t the best at his instrument. The instructor completely skipped over the first chair player because he was rude and cocky and thought that he was better than everyone. Even though the student was good at his