To tell you the truth I think going to college is really up to us. I am pretty sure everyone wants a good life in their future and I think by going to college it will help them guide themselves to a brighter future. In the article “Actually College Is Very Much Worth It”, paragraph 5 it stated that “College graduates are also more likely to be in jobs with better benefits…” This means that when graduating college can benefit you in your jobs like I have said a few times college guides you to a better future.…
Maybe you're scared of the debt college stacks on top of you, and you don't think it’ll give back the money you lost. Or maybe you think trade school is a better option for you and doesn't give as much debt as a four year university. High school dropouts have a lower income versus the salary of someone who got a bachelors or associates degree, but the choice is always yours and if you feel stressed over the college life, then don't go. But even if your job or career doesn't require a college degree, having one will still be handy to have under your belt. When you're neck deep in loans and debts it can be hard not to think at least once if college is really necessary.…
Many Americans debate whether or not to send their children to college. Lots of people have researched and written articles whether or not it is worth the cost. I believe it is worth the cost as you gives you a platform for the future. During elementary school years we are confined to a forced curriculum. After college most people end up working at desk for the rest of their life.…
Education is Success Deciding whether to go to college or not is very stressful, and we have all been there. Some of us are forced to go, others choose not to go, and some think that they cannot make ends meet and choose to work instead. In the long run, it is those that choose to go or were forced to that end up being the most successful. Why?…
In many households, families have to determine if they can afford college and if it is even worth attending. Most students face qualms about going to college, they have to decide for themselves if going to college is worth the repercussions. Students avoid attending college if they are certain of what job they want to hold in the future. This is an unfortunate way of thinking for those students. Collge will not take away your love of the line of work you want to pursue it will increase your ability to execute it with greater efficiency.…
Is college really worth the cost? Do the benefits of college still outweigh the cost? In recent research, it shows that people who are undergraduates are making less than people who actually attend college and get a degree. In the research paper Benefits of College Still Outweigh Costs, Fed Study Says, “Despite the recent struggles of college graduates, investing in a college degree may be more important than ever before because those who fail to do so are falling further and further behind.” In addition, other statistics show that college graduates have to pay for all the money they got attending school.…
Skipping out on college is not an option for me; it’s completely out of the picture. Having said that and looked through charts to see the differences of life with and without college, it solidified my decision in going. I have personally seen two of my siblings drop out of college and watched their life unfold. It’s not a bad life, but it’s also not one I would choose to live. I’ve seen both struggle with money and that is an issue I do not wish to have in my future.…
More and more people think college is useless. Do you think it's worth it? Yes, I think it is. In my opinion everyone should go to college because you can make connections and have a better chance of being employed. Two of my reasons are making better and more connections the other is a better chance in being employed.…
Today a college education is the foundation of life, obtaining a college degree opens many doors that otherwise wouldn’t be there but also will shape who you are. Most would think about going to college to get a higher level of education. If we want to acquire professional knowledge for a certain job or a specialist field of work, college would be the most appropriate place you can also get valuable experiences while studying at college. There is many reasons someone would choose to go to college. In college you have to grow up and learn to adapt and take responsibility.…
First of all, attending college is worth it because you can secure yourself a job. Finding and getting hired with a college degree is easier and it gives you options.…
Is the college education worth it? Most of the people have problems with a college education. For example, is it needed that goes to college? What can I learn from college? See if it is useful or helpful to get a good job after granulated from college?…
I personally think that college is extremely worth it IF you use it correctly and to your advantage to get a good job and life. College isn't and won't be for everyone, but if you can take advantage it can be great. Different people have different opinions about college and they're all very valid, but this is my opinion on why college is good, but not always the best option for everyone. Although college is loved and approved by many it’s not always the best option depending if you have the money and want you want to do with your life.…
Congratulations birmingham community charter high school patriots, class of 2016, for making it through all 4 years! As your class counselor, Markel Malykin, I wanted to congratulate you and guide you on your way one more last time. Now all of you seniors who are culminating, are making a huge life decision; should I go to college or go for a career straight out of high school? What I mean by this is are students going to go jump right into the workforce or are they going to take their time now to build stepping stones to a career. To help you answer this ancient question that has been thought about by every graduating high school student, I will be comparing and contrasting careers that one might pursue straight out of high school and careers…
Value of College There are multiple reasons for receiving a college education. Without a college education, you won't be handed the same opportunities for work. A college education is extremely important because, one can make more money, have a better, more rewarding job, and live a healthier life. To begin with, a college education will help you earn more money.…
Benefits of a College Education College isn’t for everyone. I was set on not going to college after high school but that changed when I found out about the benefits of having a higher education than a high school diploma. Now there isn’t any realistic future of mine that I could see being successful without a college education, because it helps obtain a better salary, better career opportunities, and it helps with building up the community and your family. Furthering an education after high school can be a benefit to you in more ways than just gaining some knowledge – you also gain money. People who go to college make an average of $22,000 more per year than those who have no education after high school.…