To tell you the truth I think going to college is really up to us. I am pretty sure everyone wants a good life in their future and I think by going to college it will help them guide themselves to a brighter future. In the article “Actually College Is Very Much Worth It”, paragraph 5 it stated that “College graduates are also more likely to be in jobs with better benefits…” This means that when graduating college can benefit you in your jobs like I have said a few times college guides you to a better future.…
College is worth the cost. College is worth the cost because it you can have a healthy lifestyle. Reserchers say a college graduate is more likely to exsercise regularly. And reduce their chances of getting sick or getting a disease. This you might want to consiter because you dont want to catch the flu or cold.…
College is an important step for a person but a lot of people think that college is not necessary. There are a lot of reasons why people want to go to college and I am sure that everybody's reason is different. I want to go to college because of one main reason and that reason is the opportunities it allows me to have. I want to go to college because after I graduate and get my degree, I will be opened to more opportunities in life. I will be more inclined to have a better life if I go to college rather than just having a high school diploma.…
The friends and memories made in college are priceless. Also, a person with a college diploma will also be able to choose the career that interests them and makes them the happiest for the large portion of their life that requires them to…
Another cause for people going to college is to improve their social life. College is makes You meet new people and makes new friends. For example, universities have students from different countries and different cultures that can improve their knowledge about these countries and cultures. Also, their communication skills will have developed by meeting these people from different nationalities, and languages.…
Is College Worth It ? that's the big question for most students now because the cost of college is increasing and jobs are getting hard to get .In today’s society now college has become an requirement .We grew up being taught without an education beyond an high school diploma that it's going to be harder in life that the higher your education the more you will be successful. That is not true college doesn't guarantee success they are many other ways to succeed without a college degree. College is not worth it because a college degree doesn’t guarantee employment ,the burden of student debt and college dropouts .…
Through higher education we are becoming being a better version of ourselves, which is priority to having the life we all hope for. Guess it all stems to the resources and background we come from. The future job market can be risky. All over the years college students confirm their education was worth it. Everyone knows working towards a college degree is time consuming and can be expensive.…
The chance of an individual getting a great job with a pay raise that is more than minimum wage definitely makes college worth it. Even if you do not want to go to a big college or university where it cost a lot of money to attend you have the option of going to a community college. The responsibilities college teaches individuals will pay off in the end when a person enters the real world. The opportunity and the experience that a person gets out of going off to college is more than rewarding. There are many different options that students have if they do plan to get a college education but feel as…
Is college worth it? Many High school students ask themselves this question. College is worth it because.many people who don’t go to college struggle and are most likely to be unemployed. Although some might argue that college isn’t worth it, but if you want a good paying job then college is worth it because a college education will provide a higher income.…
Therefore, college is the worth the costs in most cases. College at its core promises more money in your future occupation. Yes, you spend on average four years of your life getting a degree; however, the statistics say, allows you to earn over 83% more than the non college graduate (David). The fact is, if you don’t want to make more money getting a higher paying job, then don’t go to college. Some might say that the college graduate would have more debt than the non college graduate; which is a very valid point.…
Almost all academics say that college is worth it, but statistics disagree. Many graduates have crippling student loans, and many are not actually employed in jobs that need a college degree. Although it does provide good experiences, it can leave students with debilitating levels of stress. It does provide a higher education, but it really is not worth it with the threat of debt always looming over your head. College does provide a higher level of education, but the high price of tuition leaves many students with loans that follow them long into their adult lives.…
College Is Not Worth It College might be worth it for some but not for all. Going to college is a hard decision you have to make. It leads to you to being more independent and making your own decisions. Choosing to go or not to college affects your future and what type of lifestyle you want for yourself.…
Essentially people have to have a college degree to be able to live comfortably. College also gives you a more individualized focus on what you career path is. College may have many negatives, but the positives outweigh them.…
College definitely has its pros and cons. In the past, students who attended college did better than those who did not and this still appears to be the case. Although, companies like Apple were founded by individuals who drop out of college. Some people may have a pessimistic view about it and think that college is a waste of money.…
Getting a college degree is very questionable today, however I believe everyone should get a college degree if there is ever a chance, because of the financial benefits after graduation, and the variety of skills learned. There are for sure many positives to attending college, as well as many negatives. Throughout college there are a variety of different skills and experiences to gain, which would never be discovered without going to college. Many people believe that college is not worthwhile to attend due to the outrageous costs, and also because college tends to hold people back with major life decisions.…