College Education Causes

Improved Essays
Causes of Getting a College Education

Completing a college education has become a requirement. Life styles are changing

everyday. In the past it was rarely to see people with higher education after high school and

they were very special people. However, most people want to complete a college education.

Moreover, there are new universities and colleges opening everyday to accommodate the

high number of people who want to join. Jobs opportunities, social life development, and the

religious element could be the most effective causes of getting a college education.

The first reason to go to college is to increase chances for employment. These days,

there are rarely job chances for those people who have only high school certificates or even a
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For example, the big companies look for employees have advanced knowledge

and a higher education, because they need a professional work. Thus, when two people apply

forjob in any company, the company will prefer the one who has a higher education. Also,

employees who have a higher degrees get better salaries than others, because they will work

in high positions. In addition, in the future they will earn more money. To sum up, jobs

chances are a major cause of getting a college education.

Another cause for people going to college is to improve their social life. College is

makes You meet new people and makes new friends. For example, universities have students

from different countries and different cultures that can improve their knowledge about these

countries and cultures. Also, their communication skills will have developed by meeting

these people from different nationalities, and languages. Moreover, the various activities in

college help people to benefit different skills. To conclude, an improvement on people’s

social life is an important reason why enter

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