Synthesis Essay On College Education

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The future lies in the hands of those currently in school. Arguably, the most important time is college when one has to choose which career path to pursue. As a junior in high school, I can say that I am definitely feeling the societal pressures to build up a good résumé for colleges to see my full potential. With all the standardized tests, workshops, and advice from teachers and peers since elementary school, it has been instilled in our minds that the standard way of life is to attend elementary school, then high school, then a postsecondary education. While higher education does come with an expensive price tag, I have always been told that those with a college degree make more money than those with just a high school diploma. But given that many recent college graduates have faced record levels of unemployment, is college really worth the cost? …show more content…
I have read articles about those who choose not to attend college and for the majority, their reason for doing so is usually because of lack of funding, the need to support the household, the want to pursue a passion, or perhaps a combination of those mentioned. Some also find colleges lacking in fundamental principles. This is because “more fundamentally, now as ever, somebody has to actually do things: fix our cars, unclog our toilets, build our houses” (Source A). While it is true that there is a need for manual trades, one shouldn’t forgo the idea of college just because of this. Higher education does still provide a hands-on learning approach through many opportunities through study abroad programs and

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