Is Artifice Helpful

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Imagine you are trying to prove your point or get someone to agree with you without telling the complete truth. On top of that it works.This is an example of artifice. Artifice is a clever trick based off bending the truth a little bit. Artifice is extremely important when you have a serious topic that depends on what the majority of the population thinks like electing a new president. Artifice allows you to blind individuals in a smart way. Having this as a skill can benefit you in many ways. After reading what Chris Hedges’ argument that,” the most essential skill… is artifice”, i would have to agree with him because of the benefits of propaganda and persuasion.
Artifice is an important skill to have because you have the ability to use propaganda. Propaganda is the spreading of information that is not always true. For example, in the 2016 election, the popular vote is one of the ways the next president is determined, therefore; the
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There are ways to prosper, upgrade to a higher position, and/or gaining supporters. For example, when an individual walks into AT&T to buy a new phone, but walks out with 2 cases, a screen protector, and a portable. This highlights the fact that the employee ends with a marvelous result. If the customer was only going in to by a phone, and ended up with a handful of accessories,then the employee excels in this skill. Advancing in artifice will lead to progression in any form in a positive factor.
This technique has the potential to logically build up your knowledge. Do you want to improve your artifice skills to be able to get further ahead in life with something that not a lot of people can master? This can open up a lot of closed doors that would have never opened. It can surround you with new people that now share the same vision as you. Mastering in artifice will do nothing, but improve your argumentative and manipulative skills which has skyrocket

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