Invisible Monsters By Chuck Palahniuk: An Analysis

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Chuck Palahniuk, the author of Invisible Monsters, once said, “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known.” This statement, though downplaying individuality, speaks of an overarching truth. Anyone and everything that a person comes into contact with leaves some kind of impact. For me, without the combined influences of my family history, american culture, environmental surroundings, and charter school education, I would not be a health conscience, science driven, and degree-seeking student.
I come from a family that places little value on education and has always struggled monetarily. My father, who grew up in rural North Carolina, was one of the first people in his family to graduate from high school, and is the only one to have attained a college degree. He recently shared with my sister and I that when he went to college, he didn’t have any aspirations; he only wanted to play sports. He now regrets not looking towards his future because he cannot find a job that’s to his liking. This knowledge has affected me from a young age, prompting me to make plans for my future, and to place a high
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Years of science classes have taught me that the Neuse River is the most polluted river in North Carolina because almost all other tributaries connect to it, thus, collecting hazardous pollutants from all over the state. I have also learned that the Blue Ridge Parkway is the most biodiverse mountain range in North America, protecting 2000 different species of plants and animals. However, car emissions, coal mining, and housing developments are threatening these habitats. This degree of pollution in both the mountains and the Neuse ignited my passion to protect the environment. It also influenced me to take on a career in the science field, thus, causing me to seek my major in both biology and

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